
GeeCON Conference will take place in

Multikino Kraków
128 Dobrego Pasterza Street
(about 5 km from the city center)
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How to get there from Kraków Airport

It takes about 20 minutes by train to reach the city centre. The ticket costs 9 PLN and can be bought in ticket machines or in the train. Trains departure every 30 minutes up to 0:20.x Search for connections from Kraków Lotnisko to Kraków Glówny.

The most convenient but expensive option is taxi, which can cost about 60 however sometimes might be even 100 PLN.

If you prefer other solution, you need to reach Kraków Main Railway Station (Kraków Główny) and then get on one of the buses described below. To reach Kraków Main Railway Station from the Kraków Balice Airport, you can choose city bus 208 or night bus 902. It takes approximately 40 minutes to reach railway station. You should get off at the bus stop named Dworzec Glówny Wschód.

Traveling by taxi

Taxi from the city centre should cost about 25PLN (6 EUR). Be sure to pick up taxis from corporations (they will have a logo and a telephone number), as there are also private taxis, which offer seriously overpriced services.

Traveling by car

You need to drive to the road number 79, which partially goes with E77 (to Warsaw direction). There is a free car park behind the Multikino building as well as near the Park Wodny<

Traveling by bus

There are several buses that can get you to GeeCON. The map below shows bus stops and bus lines near Dworzec Glówny (Main Railway Station). Check , official MPK website for details.

We encourage you to use listed websites or applications to find the best connection: